Content-recommendation widgets - AdsJumbo Native Advertising, Monetize Apps, Websites

These are the recommended content units you see below articles on the publishers’ websites. They are usually marked with ‘paid content’ or ‘you may also like’ labels. Being displayed within the editorial content recommendations, these units are non-intrusive and don’t disrupt the user experience.

Content recommendation example

At Joinative, we can help you optimize your content recommendation units. You can either give us control over your campaigns and enjoy the results or learn from our account managers to run successful native advertising campaigns yourself.

What we do is the new innovative verified ad network for Windows Store apps & games. We have developed a new way to monetize windows apps & games that provides an excellent user experience to keep your users happy.
Unlike other existing ad-solutions for Windows Apps on the market, our ad technology is based on 100% fill rate with top revenue, it's very similar to the existing Windows SDK. As a result, provides best ad performance and multiple ad formats including banner, interstitial and video ads!