What are the benefits of native advertising? - AdsJumbo Native Advertising, Monetize Apps, Websites

The popularity of native advertising is growing, and for good reason. A successful native advertising campaign can be extremely beneficial to companies and marketers who want to reach more people, increase engagements, or drive conversions. To illustrate the major benefits of native advertising, let’s look at the statistics:

  • Consumers look at native ads 53% more frequently than typical display ads, meaning that native advertising is an effective method to build brand awareness.
  • Native ads cause an 18% higher lift in purchase intent. So, if you want to run a native advertising campaign to attract leads, this is the right sign for you to start.
  • 70% of consumers say that they prefer to learn about new products or services from content rather than traditional ads. Thus, native advertising is an extremely effective way to increase interest in your company and build brand credibility.

What we do
AdsJumbo.com is the new innovative verified ad network for Windows Store apps & games. We have developed a new way to monetize windows apps & games that provides an excellent user experience to keep your users happy.
Unlike other existing ad-solutions for Windows Apps on the market, our ad technology is based on 100% fill rate with top revenue, it's very similar to the existing Windows SDK. As a result, AdsJumbo.com provides best ad performance and multiple ad formats including banner, interstitial and video ads!